Sam Wootton, better known online as Retro Amiga, has built a community of cowgirls who love her unique, retro style. In early 2023, she launched her podcast, Keepin’ It Real with Retro (@keepitretro.podcast on Instagram), and enjoys organizing Retro’s Roundup, a weekend getaway where women and brands come together to elevate their businesses, learn new skills, and develop lifelong friendships.
“I believe in the power of being real over right,” Sam says. “That’s why it’s my mission to teach aspiring women to confidently showcase their personality and put their truest self forward!”
“Lauren, owner of The Rhinestoned Gypsy, is a genius,” Sam says. “I came to her with my wild idea of having a series of Elvis Presley-inspired outfits for the NFR, and she didn’t hesitate to say, ‘let’s do it.’ I was blown away by how she executed each and every single piece. There’s not a more talented woman with a sewing machine than The Rhinestoned Gypsy.”
Follow along with Sam’s adventures on her Instagram @RetroAmiga, and find her podcast on Spotify.
This article about Retro Amiga appeared in the Spring 2023 issue of Western Life Today magazine. Click here to subscribe!